Welcome To Your Peak Performance Advantage!

From personal effectiveness, to leadership excellence to business success, PeakPerfly Academy, is part of the daily accomplishments of business leaders around the world.

Our vision is a world where leaders are performing at their highest capacities.

Our mission is to revolutionize the performance and normalize the flourishing of leaders, so they can reach their full potentials and live thriving lives.

What Makes Our Platform Unique?

At PeakPerfly, we strongly believe that sustainable and peak performance can be achieved ONLY from the inside out. But many leaders are going about their performance the old fashioned and outdated way which results in increasing stress and anxiety. 

Our research findings show that business leaders need to embrace sustainable and peak performance, in order to enhance their personal well-being, self improvement and business growth, in the new economy.

While other learning platforms focus on skill-based content, our courses are capacity-driven programs helping leaders tap into their infinite potentials for exponential results in life, leadership and business.

Our signature programs are built on brand new science based on research and designed with highly recommended frameworks. Our proprietary system is the world's first sustainable and peak performance system for impact-driven leaders.

We have programs that cover:

  • Personal Development
  • Leadership Enhancement
  • Business Management
  • Peak Performance

You'll get the most effective solutions in the most cost effective ways, because of our no-frills, no-fluff approach.

Our Courses And Programming

The courses at PeakPerfly are not just online lessons. They are high performance on-demand courses, designed with intention and diligently organized into digestible chunks of deep insights, strategies and skills. They follow a carefully structured learning pathway to help you unleash your leadership genius and become an exceptional person in the world.

Our clients are visionary business leaders typically in search of:

A Flourishing Life

We provide the tools and techniques to improve their overall well-being and personal effectiveness.

A Peak-Performing Leadership 

We equip them to upgrade their consciousness, creativity and capacity to perform.

A Sustainable Business 

We help them build highly sustainable, scalable and successful businesses with our proven roadmap.

Based on our clients' needs, we have 4 Signature Programs from our suite of peak-performance programming:

  1. The Harmonious Life
  2. The Harmonious Leader
  3. The Harmonious Business
  4. The Harmonious Legacy

We’re here to empower and equip you for a sustainable life, leadership and business. We promise to be the one-stop shop and last bus stop for your personal development and business productivity needs. 




Hello, I’m Jesmine Onyeukwu, fondly known as "The Life Harmonist".

I'm priviledged to be the Founder and Lead Consultant, here at PeakPerfly. I'm a Peak-Performance Consultant and Leadership Coach for business leaders and their teams.

I've admired leaders since I was a child, but didn't think I would be able to significantly impact their lives. Now, I spend my days helping business owners, executives and managers navigate the demands of life and business, so they can thrive more and achieve bigger results. I'd love to empower you with the thinking, techniques and tools that'll help you succeed in life and business. I can't wait to serve you.

“If you are a Resource Person, Leader, Manager; You need to hit the pause button and allow The Productivity Expert, Jesmine Onyeukwu, help you reset by bringing innovative structure to your brand. She has an apostolic gift of establishing order which helps business leaders perform more optimally to achieve harmony in their lives.”

Eden OnwukaBusiness Consultant at Bank of Canada and a John Maxwell Certified Coach and Speaker. USA

"I absolutely think that Jesmine's Business Productivity workshops can help business leaders cut cost, eliminate overwhelm and achieve more results. Jesmine has well mapped out strategies based on real-life experiences with herself and her clients, was well spoken and very truthful when explaining concepts and strategies." 

Mandi Lunan, Business Consultant and Coach. Canada